The Art of Delegation for Leaders

Essential delegation lessons that are proven to work

Is this management skill something you struggle with and you don't really know why? Make this critical skill a comfortable and everyday part of your repertoire. By the end of this course, you’ll be using delegation consistently so you (and your team) can be more successful, delivering better results with higher levels of satisfaction and engagement.

I’ve worked with hundreds managers and leaders over more than 20 years and one of the key things that repeatedly blocks career progression is delegation. Because leaders struggle with delegation they end up in serious overwhelm, both at work and at home. That’s one of the main reasons they arrive at coaching.

Here’s what I hear repeatedly: 

“I’m overwhelmed. I just can’t handle all the things that are expected of me.”

“I just don’t have the time to do the more strategic work that is expected of me now.”

If this is you, then you’re probably realising that "what got you here won’t get you there". You won’t progress further without a change. You need to do something different and finally dealing with delegation is probably a big part of it.

I hear it from bosses too.

“They’re not stepping up like we’d want them to. We need them to be thinking and acting more strategically”

Since it can be a rarity in some organisations to see delegation done well, many of my coaching clients have never before seen what good delegation looks like, especially strategic delegation! You may very well be the same but in this course, that's exactly what you'll cover!

Hi, I’m Gregor Findlay

I’m a coach not a trainer, but there are certain times I have to be more of a teacher, and one of them is when delegation is the challenge.

Over the years, I’ve not only become very clear on the critical skills needed to delegate with ease, but how to deal with the emotional resistance that’s been tripping up clients for years. Many clients have been on delegation training courses but still don’t do it well, if at all!

There are many reasons why people struggle to delegate and most of them aren't skills based. It’s these things I’ve learned to uncover and deal with. This course uncovers the blockages and gives clear strategies to become a brilliant delegator. Your people will love you for it; your managers will love you for it; and you’ll love what happens for yourself next!

Unlock the secrets to great delegation

Delegation is one of the most fundamental skills and attitudes you will ever learn.

In this course you’ll learn:

  1. The secrets of being a great delegating leader
  2. Why delegation hasn’t been easy for you so far so now you can do something about it
  3. To clarify what good delegation will mean for you
  4. A simple and effective model of delegation you can quickly adopt with your team
  5. How to assess the capacity in your team for them to take on more of your load
  6. How to work in collaboration with your direct reports such that they love how you delegate
  7. How to work with your own values and identity to transform performance in this area
  8. A process for strategic as well as tactical delegation your role can scale
  9. How to overcome perfectionistic tendencies and replace them with something better

Even though I've compressed this down to only 45 minutes of video, expect the actual work you'll be doing to spread over several weeks as you put the tools and processes outlined into practice. I recommend you don't try to consume this course all at once but take the time to integrate each lesson properly before moving on to the next one.

"Working with Gregor was fantastic, he provided me with great tools and coaching advice to help unlock the power of my team through effective delegation”

James Cotton, Finance Director, EMEA at Google

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Testimonials For Delegation Coaching

"Beyond shadow of doubt, Gregor really knew how to get me delegating and delegating well. He has given me the tools which has made me a better manager" - Ian Day FRPS, Deputy Editor, The Yorkshire Post 

“My level of delegation has improved which has empowered the team as well as giving me more bandwidth to spend time on looking at strategies.” - Guy Manchester, Group Infrastructure Manager, Pentland Brands

“My prioritisation and delegation has definitely improved significantly.” - Adam Prince, Vice President, BG Group